Break free from your stress

You’re managing your personal and professional life quite ‘well’, juggling to your best your different roles.

However, you feel sometimes overwhelmed. Too much to do with too little time. A pressure to achieve more and perform better. A difficulty to rest because of racing thoughts.

Over time, tension and stress build up, making it more and more challenging for you to keep up.

You can change. You can regain a relaxed body and a calm, clear and focused mind.

We learn how to tie our shoes and solve multiple variable equations. But we don’t learn how to take care of ourselves. Let me take care of you and give you effective techniques to break free from your stress and fully live your live.

What is Sophrology?

Discover in 1 min 30 what is this body-mind practice

Together we can work on




exams, work

sports competitions

artistic performances

Emotion management

Sleep improvement


exams, work

public speaking

job interviews

Body reconnection

teenagehood, cancer, maternity

Sophrology is in no way a substitute for medical care

A little about me

Have a look at my story, the markers of my journey and a bit of France and the UK