You can feel better
We don't have much contol over others but we can act on ourselves! By releasing physical, mental and emotional tension you can take a step back from complicated situations and regain calm and clarity. You are then in a better position to make choices aligned with who you truly are. You create for yourself a new space of freedom, opening up new possibilities .

One-to-one sessions
These sessions are for you if you are looking for :
A personalised support
A time to share, discuss and be listened to
Flexibility. You book your sessions at your pace when it suits you best
Support with:
Stress management
Burnout prevention/recovery
Performances boost
Emotion management
Sleep improvement
Body reconnection
1st session 1h15 then 50 min sessions
Face-to-face at the studio in London
or online on Zoom
£60 / session - £275 / 5-session package
My advice : 5 sessions, 1 per week or fortnight.

We would like to change instantly! I understand your desire to immediately access the new you. But you are not a machine. There is no button to press to activate change. Allow yourself the time to deeply integrate a new mindset and different behaviour.
From our first session, you will get efficient techniques to calm down your mind, relax your body and start feeling better. Each session will enrich your toolbox so you will be able to carry on taking care of yourself independently.

Taster session - Give it a go!

All that you need is:
a calm space
a chair
Allow yourself 6 min to release tension